
"Everyone needs a few good beads!"
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Czech Super Duo Beads


50% Off



  • Packed: 9/16" diameter tubes
  • Bead Size: 2.5 x 5 mm
  • Hole Size 0.80 mm
  • Contents: approximately 22 grams per tube
  • Quantity: 170 beads per tube or about 8 beads per gram

Super Duo Beads are a Czech made, glass Two Hole Seed bead. Similar in shape to the Twin bead, but with a few very important differences. Super Duos are a pressed glass bead with guaranteed size and dimensional stability. They measure 2.5 x 5 mm, with two .8 mm holes . They are not simply "coated crystal" but actual colored glass with many coating options: Transparent, Opaque, Matte, Color Lined, Picasso, Luster, AB Coating & Magic Line.

sdaquacaprigold150.jpg Super Duo Aqua Capri Gold - 50% off
$6.50 $3.25 On Sale!
du0560020-27101 Quantity
sdblupic150.jpg Super Duo Blue Picasso - 50% off
$8.00 $4.00 On Sale!
du0533050-43400 Quantity
SDbronzfirered150.jpg Super Duo Bronze Fire Red - 50% off
$6.00 $3.00 On Sale!
du0500030-01750 Quantity
sdchalkblulus150.jpg Super Duo Chalk Blue Lustre - 50% off
$7.00 $3.50 On Sale!
du0503000-14464 Quantity
sdchalklilalus150.jpg Super Duo Chalk Lila Luster - 50% off
$6.50 $3.25 On Sale!
du0503000-14494 Quantity
sdchalktravdk150.jpg Super Duo Chalk Traver Dk - 50% off
$6.50 $3.25 On Sale!
du0503000-86805 Quantity
sdcoralredpic150.jpg Super Duo Coral Red Picasso - 50% off
$7.50 $3.75 On Sale!
du0593200-43400 Quantity
SDcrysgoldrb150.jpg Super Duo Crys Golden Rainbow - 50% off
$6.00 $3.00 On Sale!
du0500030-01610 Quantity
sdcrystalab150.jpg Super Duo Crystal AB - 50% off
$6.00 $3.00 On Sale!
du0500030-28701 Quantity
sdcrysalum150.jpg Super Duo Crystal Aluminum - 50% off
$6.00 $3.00 On Sale!
du0500030-01700 Quantity
sdcrysbrzcopper150.jpg Super Duo Crystal Brnz Copper - 50% off
$6.00 $3.00 On Sale!
du0500030-01780 Quantity
sdcrysbrzpalegold150.jpg Super Duo Crystal Bronze Pale Gold - 50% off
$6.00 $3.00 On Sale!
du0500030-01710 Quantity
SDcrysilverlined150.jpg Super Duo Crystal Silver Ln - 50% off
$5.50 $2.75 On Sale!
du0500030-81800 Quantity
SDcrystalsliperit150.jpg Super Duo Crystal Sliperit - 50% off
$6.00 $3.00 On Sale!
du0500030-29500 Quantity
sdcryviolrb150.jpg Super Duo Crystal Violet Rainbow - 50% off
$6.00 $3.00 On Sale!
du0500030-01640 Quantity
sdfulllabrador150.jpg Super Duo Full Labrador - 50% off
$9.00 $4.50 On Sale!
du0500030-27000 Quantity
sdjet150.jpg Super Duo Jet - 50% off
$4.50 $2.25 On Sale!
du0523980 Quantity
sdjethematite150.jpg Super Duo Jet Hematite - 50% off
$5.00 $2.50 On Sale!
du0523980-14400 Quantity
sdmagicblupink150.jpg Super Duo Magic Blue-Pink - 50% off
$7.00 $3.50 On Sale!
du0500030-95100 Quantity
sdmagicredbrown150.jpg Super Duo Magic Red-Brown - 50% off
$7.50 $3.75 On Sale!
du0500030-95200 Quantity
sdMetSuedeBlue150.jpg Super Duo Met Suede Blue - 50% off
$5.00 $2.50 On Sale!
du0523980-79031 Quantity
sdMetSuedePurple150.jpg Super Duo Met Suede Purple - 50% off
$5.00 $2.50 On Sale!
du0523980-79021 Quantity
sdopgreen150.jpg Super Duo Op Green - 50% off
$6.00 $3.00 On Sale!
du0553410 Quantity
sdOpalRose150.jpg Super Duo Opal Rose - 50% off
$7.50 $3.75 On Sale!
du0571010 Quantity
sdopcoralred150.jpg Super Duo Opaque Coral Red - 50% off
$6.00 $3.00 On Sale!
du0593200 Quantity
sdopviolet150.jpg Super Duo Opaque Violet - 50% off
$6.00 $3.00 On Sale!
du0523020 Quantity
sdpastaqua150.jpg Super Duo Pastel Aqua - 50% off
$8.50 $4.25 On Sale!
du0525019 Quantity
sdpastbord150.jpg Super Duo Pastel Bordeaux - 50% off
$8.50 $4.25 On Sale!
du0525032 Quantity
sdpastburg150.jpg Super Duo Pastel Burgandy - 50% off
$8.50 $4.25 On Sale!
du0525031 Quantity
sdpastdkcoral150.jpg Super Duo Pastel Dk Coral - 50% off
$8.50 $4.25 On Sale!
du0525010 Quantity
sdpastlila150.jpg Super Duo Pastel Lila - 50% off
$8.50 $4.25 On Sale!
du0525012 Quantity
sdpastpetrol150.jpg Super Duo Pastel Petrol - 50% off
$8.50 $4.25 On Sale!
du0525033 Quantity
sdpastpink150.jpg Super Duo Pastel Pink - 50% off
$8.50 $4.25 On Sale!
du0525008 Quantity
sdturqblupic150.jpg Super Duo Turq Blue Picasso - 50% off
$8.00 $4.00 On Sale!
du0563030-43400 Quantity
sdturqgreen150.jpg Super Duo Turquoise Green - 50% off
$6.50 $3.25 On Sale!
du0563130 Quantity
sdvegaonchalk150.jpg Super Duo Vega on Chalk - 50% off
$7.00 $3.50 On Sale!
du0503000-15726 Quantity
sdwhitelus150.jpg Super Duo White Lustre - 50% off
$5.50 $2.75 On Sale!
du0503000-14400 Quantity