
"Everyone needs a few good beads!"
Flat Rate Shipping on domestic orders $5.50

We are preparing to retire, all merchandise is on sale. I have updated most prices. As I continue updating prices, you could find items that may not show the sale price, let me know and I'll fix it. All remaining merchandise must go. Everything is 20% to 50% off.



50% Off

Frequently Asked Questions


Is it safe to order online? Yes, your order is held and processed on a secure server(SSL), to protect your personal information. Once we process and approve your order, your credit card information is deleted and no longer stored. Instructions for ordering are listed below.
Is your shopping cart safe? Yes, all personal information is encrypted and we follow the Visa/MC PCI security guidelines. We want to protect your personal information.
I want to order but I don't want to enter my credit card online. How can I pay for the order? Choose Money Order as your payment type and checkout won't ask for your credit card number. You can call us with your card after you submit your order.
What Payment methods does BeadStuff accept? We accept Visa, MC, Discover, AMEX, PayPal, money orders for payment on orders. Sorry, we do not accept COD orders. Your credit card can be used online or you can place your order online, then call us with your credit card information.

To use PayPal, select "PayPal as your payment method. If you pay by money order, your order takes longer to arrive. The email for sending your PayPal payment is You can also select pay by PayPal during checkout.

For International orders, we restrict orders to specific countries. We accept US Dollar Money orders or Credit Cards only.

Is there a minimum order? No, order the items you want. We offer volume discounts for larger orders. See the Discount Page for information.
I just ordered and I want to add to my order. How can I do this? If you just placed an order, you can place another order ONLINE. Put a note in the "Special instructions" and ask us to combine them together. You can call or email us if you wish, but orders placed online ship faster. If too much time has passed since your original order, we may have already shipped it. We don't send the extra items without your consent in these cases.  If you really need it, call us.
Can I phone in my order? Yes, We're in the central time zone. Call us at 512-836-5702. We can be reached between 10am & 7pm Central time. You can send email to me at:

You can also place an order online and call us with your credit card number if you don't want to enter it online. choose " Pay by Money Order" when you checkout, and type us a note in the special instructions to tell us you will call with the card number.

Does BeadStuff offer a Wholesale price? Yes, Many of our items have better prices on larger quantities and on bulk packages. If you need a larger quantity and you don't see it listed, email or call me for a quantity price quote. You can visit our Discount Page for more detailed information

We also offer volume discounts based on the total amount of merchandise in your order. (excluding tax & shipping charges)

10% off $100+ orders
20% off $250+ orders
30% off $500+ orders

These discounts are manually entered on your invoice so you won't see it until we process your order.

What happens if the product I ordered is out of stock. Will it be backordered? We don't send backorders. That way you don't get surprises later. Reorder the product on your next order. Email us if you need to know when we expect it in stock again.
Are your show price and the online the same? Yes, we keep our price the same regardless of where you purchase from. Price changes occur and prices don't always get updated instantly. In some cases there may be a discrepancy. In that case we try to give you the lower price. We don't operate with two sets of prices. We also don't inflate prices so we can offer false discounts as some places do.
Are your products online the same as what I saw in you booth at a show? Many are, some are not, we don't have everything available in on the web shopping cart. If you saw something you can't find here in the online store, drop us an email. You can also call if you prefer.
 I bought something from you at a bead show, I don't see it online. Can I get more of this item? Maybe. We don't show every item we have on the website. You should email or call us to find out more information about availability of these items.
I saw or ordered an item online but now it's not there. What happened to it? We may be out or low on stock so we turn off the item. You can email us to ask the status of the item. We may have a few left, but not enough to show on the website. Include a little information so we know what you are writing about. (size, shape, color etc.)
I want to purchase wholesale and use my Texas State Sales Tax ID number. What do I do?

Your order will show sales tax when you place it. We don't add sales tax to orders shipped outside of Texas. If you are in Texas, we need a "signed" TEXAS resale certificate on file before we can remove the sales tax from your order. You can go to Resale Permit Page or you can FAX it to us.

Check the status of your Sales Tax Number by visiting the Texas Comptroller. The Taxpayer Search tool that lets you see if your tax number is active or inactive. Visit this page: Texas Sales Taxpayer Search Tool.

Please email us at: or call us at 512-836-5702 during weekday afternoons for instructions on getting us you tax certificate.

On future orders, Add the Resale Certificate to your shopping cart. Enter your tax number under special instructions. We will remove the sales tax when we process your order.

How can I send my Sales Tax Number to BeadStuff?

Outside Texas

We don't require a copy of your tax information because we don't collect sales tax for other states. You are responsible to pay your own states sales taxes.

Within Texas

Send or email us a "signed" copy of your TEXAS Resale Certificate. You can download the form on the Texas State Comptroller website. Search Google for "texas resale certificate" it's form number 01-339.

Check the status of your Sales Tax Number by visiting the Texas Comptroller. The Taxpayer Search tool that lets you see if your tax number is active or inactive. Visit this page: Texas Sales Taxpayer Search Tool.

If you want to FAX the certificate, you can call us for instructions on how to get it to us quickly.
PHONE: 512-836-5702 (noon -5pm central)
ADDRESS: 2301 Denton Drive Ste M, Austin TX 78758.

How do I place an order? Tall Pam says "It's Easy and Safe to order online. Orders are processed on a Secure Server! You set your own password. Only you have the password to access your order."


Browse the products, enter the quantity you want. Click the ADD button to add your items to your cart. Choose "Keep Shopping" to select other items. Complete your selections, then choose "Checkout" Follow the prompts to enter your information. During Checkout, you'll enter your email address and a personal password to enter the secure area. In the secure area, enter your personal information, billing info, and finalize your transaction. We accept VISA, MC, AMEX, Discover, or PayPal. Notes can be typed in the "special instructions"box during checkout.

Remember your password, you'll use it to check the status of your order and our store will remember you next time you shop. You get an on-screen confirmation of your order, which you can print, we also email a preliminary copy of the order. When your order is shipped, we send a final invoice confirmation with the total including shipping.

We appreciate your business! For additional information about products, orders, or our company, contact us with email to

How do we contact you if we have questions?

We use Email or Phone... Be sure you give us a working email or phone number. If we can't contact you, your order will sit here until you contact us.  Add our domain, to your spam checker. Be sure to add our email addresses to your contact list so our messages are not blocked.  We use,, or to contact you by email. Visit our Contact Page


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