
"Everyone needs a few good beads!"
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We are preparing to retire, all merchandise is on sale. I have updated most prices. As I continue updating prices, you could find items that may not show the sale price, let me know and I'll fix it. All remaining merchandise must go. Everything is 20% to 50% off.

Genuine Copper Findings


50% Off

Our Genuine Copper findings are solid copper. No plating or fillers used in these products. They are all made with top quality materials and workmanship. These products are bright copper but you can patina or antique them as needed. The copper cones are already antiqued.

CopperCircleHookClasp Copper Circle Hook - 2 Sets - 50% Off
$5.00 $2.50 On Sale!
Genuine Copper Circle Hook
18 mm Long
2 sets per package

cop11x9.jpg Copper Cone Bali 11x9 mm - 4 pcs - 50% Off
$5.50 $2.75 On Sale!
4 pieces
11 mm x 9 mm
Genuine Copper
Use a pair of cones to finish the end of a necklace or collect multiple strands together.

cop20x11.jpg Copper Cone Bali 20x11 mm - 2 pcs - 50% Off
$6.50 $3.25 On Sale!
2 pieces
20 mm x 11 mm
Genuine Copper
Use a pair of cones to finish the end of a necklace or collect multiple strands together.

cop21x10.jpg Copper Cone Bali 21x10 mm - 2 pcs - 50% Off
$6.50 $3.25 On Sale!
2 pieces
21 mm x 10 mm
Genuine Copper
Use a pair of cones to finish the end of a necklace or collect multiple strands together.

CopCrimpTube2x2-300 Genuine Copper Crimp Tube - 2x2 mm - 50% Off
$8.00 $4.00 On Sale!
Genuine Copper Crimp Tubes
2x2 mm
100 pcs per per package
These are high quality crimp tubes composed of genuine copper. They match other bright copper findings.
CopCrimpTube3x3 Genuine Copper Crimp Tube - 3x3 mm - 100 pcs - 50% Off
$8.00 $4.00 On Sale!
Genuine Copper Crimp Tubes
3x3 mm
100 pcs per per package
These are high quality crimp tubes composed of genuine copper. They match other bright copper findings.
wireguard-cop.jpg Copper Wire Guardians 100 pcs - 50% Off
$7.00 $3.50 On Sale!
Genuine Copper
Regular Size: .31"
X Large Size .45"
Wire guardians protect the stringing material from being worn by the clasp or ring. Wire guards are an inexpensive way to make your project stronger.

crimpcover-cop.jpg Antiqued Copper Crimp Cover Bead 4mm - 50 pcs last one - 50% Off
$5.00 $2.50 On Sale!
Genuine Copper
4mm size
100 pieces per package

Fits over a 2x2 crimp tube. Use crimp covers to hide or disguise your crimp beads. The Mighty Crimp pliers is recommended to closed these easily.

ewlb-gc.jpg Copper Ear Wire - Oval Lever Back 12pcs - 50% Off
$8.50 $4.25 On Sale!
Genuine Copper
Oval Lever Back Ear Wire
12 or 36 pieces per package

SAVE on 72 pcs, Regular 29.00 Sale Price $25.50

earwire-ball.jpg Copper Ear Wire 22 ga Ball & Coil Style 36 pcs - 50% Off
$0.00 $0.00 On Sale!
Genuine Copper
French Style Ball and Coil Ear wire
12, 36, or 100 pieces per package

The antique copper ear wires are on this page: Economy Ear Wires

Earwire-hamGC.jpg Copper Ear Wire 22 ga Hammered Style 36 pce - 50% Off
$5.50 $2.75 On Sale!
Genuine Copper
22 ga Hammered Ear Wire with Coil
12, 36, or 100 pieces pere package

These earwires are shiny copper. The antique look ear wires are on this page: Economy Ear Wires

headpinCP.jpg Copper Head Pin 24 gauge 2 inch 24 pcs - 50% Off
$7.00 $3.50 On Sale!
Genuine Copper Head Pin
2 inches long
24 gauge
24 pieces
leaf bail 2 Copper Leaf Bail 22x12mm (2 bails) - 50% Off
$7.50 $3.75 On Sale!
Package of 2 Bails
Genuine Copper Leaf Bail
22 mm tall x 12 mm wide
jumpclosed6-cop.jpg Copper Closed Jump Ring 5mm - 36pcs - 50% Off
$5.50 $2.75 On Sale!
Genuine Copper closed jump ring
5mm Diameter
20 gauge
Packed in 36 or 100 pieces.

jumpclosed6-cop.jpg Copper Closed Jump Ring 6mm - 50% Off
$6.50 $3.25 On Sale!
Genuine Copper closed jump ring
6mm Diameter
19.5 ga wire
Packed 24 pieces per package.

jumpopen6-cop.jpg Copper Open Jump Ring 4mm 50 pcs - 50% Off
$5.00 $2.50 On Sale!
Genuine Copper open jump ring
4mm Diameter
Packed in 24 pcs

jumpopen6-cop.jpg Copper Open Jump Ring 5mm 50 pcs - 50% Off
$5.00 $2.50 On Sale!
Genuine Copper open jump ring
5mm Diameter
Packed in 24 pieces.

jumpopen6-cop.jpg Copper Open Jump Ring 6mm 50 pcs - 50% Off
$5.00 $2.50 On Sale!
Genuine Copper open jump ring
6mm Diameter
Packed in 24 or 100 pieces.

jumpopen6-cop.jpg Copper Open Jump Ring 8mm 18 GA - 100 pcs - 50% Off
$7.00 $3.50 On Sale!
Genuine Copper open jump ring
8mm Diameter, 18 gauge
Packed in 100 pieces.

CopS-HookA Copper S-Hook Clasp A - 3 Sets - 50% Off
$6.50 $3.25 On Sale!
Genuine Copper S-Hook Clasp
Size: 19mm X 9mm
3 sets per package

CopS-HookB Copper S-Hook Clasp B - 3 Sets - 50% Off
$6.50 $3.25 On Sale!
Genuine Copper S-Hook Clasp
3 sets per package

CopTogA Copper Toggle A - 3 Sets - 50% Off
$7.50 $3.75 On Sale!
Genuine Copper Toggle
Plain Round Style
14mm Ring with a 21mm Bar
3 sets per package

togB Copper Toggle B - 3 Sets - 50% Off
$7.50 $3.75 On Sale!
Genuine Copper Toggle
14mm Ring with a 24mm Bar
3 sets per package

togC Copper Toggle C - 3 Sets - 50% Off
$7.50 $3.75 On Sale!
Genuine Copper Toggle
12mm Ring with a 19mm Bar
3 sets per package

3mm-cop.jpg Copper Round Bead 3mm 100 beads - 50% Off
$3.50 $1.75 On Sale!
3mm diameter
Genuine Copper Round Spacer Bead
100 beads

4mm-cop.jpg Copper Round Bead 4mm 100 beads - 50% Off
$4.50 $2.25 On Sale!
4mm diameter
Genuine Copper Round Spacer Bead
100 beads

6mm-cop.jpg Copper Round Bead 6mm 36 beads - 50% Off
$6.50 $3.25 On Sale!
6mm diameter
Genuine Copper Round Spacer Bead
36 beads

7mm-cop.jpg Copper Round Bead 7mm 36 beads - 50% Off
$6.00 $3.00 On Sale!
7mm diameter
Genuine Copper Round Spacer Bead
36 beads

8mm-cop.jpg Copper Round Bead 8mm 24 beads - 50% Off
$5.50 $2.75 On Sale!
8mm diameter
Genuine Copper Round Spacer Bead
24 beads

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