WELCOME TO BEADSTUFF'S RETIREMENT SALE "Everyone needs a few good beads!" ALL MERCHADISE WILL BE GOING ON SALE AT INCREDIBLE VALUES Flat Rate Shipping on domestic orders $5.50
We are preparing to retire, all merchandise will be going on sale in the coming days As I update prices, some items may not show the sale price. All items will eventually be 20 to 50 % off. If you want items that I have not put on sale yet, contact me and I'll fix it.
EAR NUTS and EARRING STOPPERS Earring stoppers save you the agony of losing one of your favorite earrings. Don't chance it when you can use an earring stopper. These clear vinyl ear stoppers come in two sizes: The regular size ear stopper works on 21 gauge and larger ear wires. The small size ear stopper will work best on 22 gauge and finer ear wires. The white rubber ear stopper will work on most ear wires; they have a little more "give" so they grip well on more sizes of ear wires.
Whether you call them rubber ear nuts, ear stoppers, an earring stopper or those little rubber thingy's, these work great to keep your ear hooks in place! Put these on all your earrings so they won't slip out of your ears and get lost. Designers can use them to keep earrings on display cards.
When you sell jewelry, think add-on sales! Bag up some ear stoppers in packs of 12 or 24 and sell them right next to your jewelry. You can buy small bags in our Supplies/Packaging area. Ear stoppers are a fantastic product. Once you use an ear stopper on the backs your earrings, you won't know how you lived without them. Earring stoppers are available in small quantities or in bulk packages.