
"Everyone needs a few good beads!"
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We are preparing to retire, all merchandise will be going on sale in the coming days
As I update prices, some items may not show the sale price. All items will eventually be 20 to 50 % off. I
f you want items that I have not put on sale yet, contact me and I'll fix it.

Economy Earring Components

EarStopperRegularMJ5745 Ear Stopper Clear Vinyl - regular hole 500 pcs
$9.50 $5.70 On Sale!
100 pcs

Clear ribbed ear nuts with regular size hole.
These ear stoppers have the regular hole size
Fits 21 gauge or larger ear wires.

EarStopperSmallMJ5755 Ear Stopper Clear Vinyl - small hole - 144 pcs
$3.00 $1.80 On Sale!
Clear smooth ear nut with small size hole.
144 pcs

These ear stoppers have a smaller hole so they fit 22 gauge or smaller ear wires.

EarStopperBullet-mj0456 0ff Ear Stopper Plastic Bullet Style 144 pcs
$5.50 $3.30 On Sale!
Plastic Bullet Style

144 pcs

EarStopperCone-MJ0066 Ear Stopper Plastic Cone Style 144 pcs - 50% Off
$5.50 $2.75 On Sale!
Plastic Cone Style

144 pcs

EarStopperRegularMJ5745 Ear Stopper White Rubber 144 pcs
$3.50 $2.10 On Sale!
White smooth rubber ear nut
144 pcs

These ear stoppers are made of white rubber. They will fit most ear wires. They have a little more give than the clear style ear stopper.

butterflyclutchSurg.jpg Economy Ear Nut Stainless 36 pcs - 40% Off
$3.50 $2.10 On Sale!
50 pcs
Medium Size
Surgical Stainless Steel
Friction fit surgical steel ear nuts are hypo allergenic.
Use these with most ear posts to secure the earring.
b0yhgbm.gif Economy Earring Comfort Back 144 pcs - 50% Off
$7.00 $3.50 On Sale!
144 pcs
Bullet back with comfort disks
These will fit most posts. The large plastic disk distributes the weight of your earrings so they are more comfortable. Especially good for larger or heavy earrings or if your ear holes are larger.

b0yv35a.gif Economy Earring Clip Half Bead - 50% Off
$5.00 $2.50 On Sale!

12 pieces
These are perfect for creating earrings for non-pierced ears. These earrings have a half bead pad for a decorative look.
Available in base metal (metallic silver tone), silver plated, or gold plated finishes. The base metal finish is pictured here.

adj-earclip-econ.jpg Economy Earring Clip with Adjustable Back - 50% Off
$8.00 $4.00 On Sale!
Screw Back Adjuster
Nickel Free Silver or Gold Plated
10 pieces per package

These clip on earrings feature nickle free silver or gold plating. Create earrings for non-pierced ears or to convert pierced earrings to clip on earrings.

earclipflatSP.jpg Economy Earring Clip with Flat Pad - 50% Off
$4.00 $2.00 On Sale!
Flat Glue Pad
Nickel Free, bright silver plate finish
12 pieces per package
These clip on earrings feature a flat pad for gluing stones or other items to the face of the earring. They are nickel free silver plating. We recommend using two part epoxy.
earclipscrewbackbm.jpg Economy Earring Clip with Screw Back - 50% Off
$6.00 $3.00 On Sale!
Base Metal Finish
12 pieces per pack
Create earrings for non-pierced ears or to convert pierced earrings to clip on earrings.
40qa6z9.gif Economy Earring Pad Post 24 pcs - 50% Off
$4.50 $2.25 On Sale!
24 Posts with 24 earnuts
Surgical Steel
The surgical steel pad post is great for creating your own design by gluing something to the pad. A good epoxy works great with these. The pad is available in two sizes; 6mm or 10mm.

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