EVERYTHING IS 30 to 60% Off
Santa Fe-2012 These pictures are from Bead Fest in Santa Fe April 2012.

These pics are from the Int'l Gem & Jewelry Show in Houston.

NEW ORLEANS 2006 We always have a great time on our trips to the Crescent City. The people of New Orleans need you to come spend some time and money in their city. We like to visit with lots of old friends on each of our trips. They are all still working hard to solve the troubles caused by Katrina and Rita. These storms greatly affected everyone's life. The devastation is still there and tourism money is good medicine for the ailments.
The food is wonderful. The beignets are great. The people are warm and welcoming. Anything you can do to visit the area helps get things back on track down in the Big Easy!

Austin is our home base.

Denver 2001

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